Is the Bible Reliable?

Absarootintootinlootly! (OK, that’s not really a word, but you know what I mean) and the proof is right there in the texts of holy scripture. The Bible is not a science book per se, and is actually often held in contrast to all things scientific. However, the information revealed to mankind within its pages is not only scientifically accurate in every way, but accurate in several different areas of scientific study. Following are just a few examples.

Biology - ten times we are told in Genesis chapter one, that all plants and creatures were designed to reproduce “after their kind”. Regardless of the claims made by evolutionists, this is still the way biology works. There remains not one example of new genetic information arising in any life form.

Geology - Genesis chapters six through eight tells of a worldwide flood. The evidence of this flood is indeed worldwide and reserved for us in the layers of the earth. On every continent we find just below the surface the remains of an unbelievable menagerie that seems to have been rapidly buried in water-born sediments. Additionally, huge stores of coal, petroleum and natural gas are also the end result of massive amounts of carbon based life that was catastrophically deposited and buried only to become the aforesaid “fossil fuels” we use today. Thankfully, the forces that have produced such anomalies, are not at work in the present; but it seems obvious that they were in the past, as God’s book tells us.

Anthropology - “The missing link” is a phrase with which most of us are familiar. We know that a number of those who work in various fields of science are looking for it, or should I say, him. It is supposed that we all came from an original ancestor, which is exactly what the Bible teaches us.

But our original ancestor was not an ape as many of our children have been taught in school, and he is not missing. Our original ancestor was fully human and created in the image of God. If this is not so, then we are left to conclude (1) - something that was not human, gave birth to something that was human (2) - matter has given rise to consciousness (which is neither explainable nor measurable by scientific methods, and yet there it is) and (3) - that there is no reasonable explanation for the universally accepted fact that all human cultures seek out God, being compelled to worship. An interesting irony indeed, if God in our history is not. Atheism must be taught, but mankind worships instinctively.

Astronomy - Recorded history tells us that it was at one time believed that the stars numbered only into the thousands. This of course matched the empirical, physical evidence of the day, since prior to the telescope, relatively few stars were visible to the naked eye. How then did Moses record that God told Abraham that his descendants would be numberless like the stars (Genesis 15:5, 22:17 & 26:4), long before men could see that stars were in fact, numberless (70 sextillion and still counting)? How also did Job know that the Lord hangs the earth upon nothing (Job 26:7), long centuries before man’s technology would show that this is indeed the case and also in stark contrast to popular ancient beliefs that the earth somehow supported from underneath?

Yes, not only does the Bible contain many perfectly accurate observations that seem to be ‘before their time’ about the existing creation, but it contains none of the errors of ancient ignorance, mythology and legend. These are truly astounding facts about a book written over about 1500 years by about 40 different men from a variety of walks of life.

You really want to know if it is reliable? Live according to its teachings, and you will know.

Marty Kessler