A Few Things We All Have In Common

#1 Each one of us has been designed by God. He made the first man and woman and put within them the genetics we see represented in the diversity of mankind. The colors of our skins, the textures of our hair, the body types and facial features we see from nationality to nationality were all placed in Adam and Eve and have been handed down to you and me and every one else in whatever combination we have them. This is what we read in the first two chapters of Genesis, and also what Jesus’ apostle Paul affirmed in Acts 17.

#2 God designed each of us in His own image. Regardless of how different we may appear to one another, each of us really is an individual representation of Almighty God. Every human being mirrors his or her maker in one way or another. This is something else God wanted us to know about ourselves, so He had it written down for us in Genesis 1:27.

#3 Each one of us has fallen from our original divinely imbued glory. Just as our original parents, Adam and Eve sinned, each one of us has sinned and fallen short of our Maker’s glory according to Romans 3:23. We are troubled by our own moral failures.

#4 Each one of us has a deceitful, desperately sick heart, according to Jeremiah 17:9, and as such, they cannot be trusted. This means that our common malady of having fallen from grace through sin, is accompanied by an internal tendency to do wrong. Even when we don’t want to do wrong, we still are plagued by this internal conflict and must struggle against what is wrong to do what is right.
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#5 Each of us is desperately in need of a savior. Having fallen from glory through our own sin, and having sick and deceitful hearts, not even one of us has any hope of making himself right with his Maker without His help. The wages of sin is death according to Romans 6:23, and we have no means of ourselves to escape payment.

#6 Each of us has only one hope… Jesus; “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved”, Acts 4:12.

#7 Each one of us is drawn to Jesus as our savior. Jesus said, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself”, John 12:32.

#8 Each of us must decide how he or she will respond to Jesus. If you will be saved from your own sin, if you will inherit a glorious eternity with your Maker rather than an eternity of fiery, tormented regret, it will be by your deliberate choice. No one will be saved or lost by accident. Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”, Matthew 7:7.
Marty Kessler