The ongoing collection of sermons preached at the Choctaw Church of Christ.
The Changeless Role of Women
What Happens When We Die?
Outsmarting Your Smart TV
Your Place in the Kingdom of God
145 Year Old Man Baptized
Personal Resurrection
A Christian's Benefit Package
Your Attitude
Do You Know Your Bible?
Another World
No Fool Like a Rich Fool
You Know You're a Christian When
Making Your Apology
The Beautiful Bride of Christ
The Perfect Tense
Salt in a Democracy
Where Did David Go Wrong?
4 Ways to Create a Happy Marriage
My Mother the Covenant
Trouble in Paradise
Is it Biblical?
All In One
To the Church at Choctaw
The Power of Praise
The Lord Reigns
Multiplying by Faith
Final Words
The Challenge of Change
The Almighty or the Almighty Dollar
Lessons from the Flood: What Hurricane Katrina Taught Me
The Three Marys
The 7 Blessings of Salvation
Jesus' Coming Foretold
A Hammer and a Mandolin
Is Jesus in your Boat?
The Blessing and the Curse of Comfort
The House of the Lord
Making Biblical Decisions
Sunday - Nov 22 - PM Sermon
How Evolution Became Popular
Competing with Horses
The Acappella Church
If God Be For Us
Slave or Free?
Does the Bible Teach That?
Sermon - I am the Resurrection and the Life
God's Purpose for Miracles
Gross vs. Godly
The Long Dark Thread
Why Do the Righteous Suffer?
The Sin Problem
Statements From the Cross