The ongoing collection of sermons preached at the Choctaw Church of Christ.
The History of Mother's Day
Jesus is Life
The Cost of Following Jesus
Bible Prayers
The Disappointers
The Wrath of God
In the Likeness of His Resurrection
The Four Witnesses
Have you Obeyed the Gospel?
Repentance: A Word Study
7 Steps to Successful Church Growth
God's Attention Getters
Women of the New Testament
At Table with God
Better Than Okay
Who Wrote the Bible?
Let the Rocks Speak
Truth or Consequences
What the Bible Actually Says
Famine of the Word
How Secure is My Salvation?
Who is Jiminy Cricket?
The Goodness & Severity of God
Man of Sorrows
When the World Sings the Gospel
The Doctor is In
That You May Be Saved
The Royal Priests
Jubilee & Jesus
My Grace is Sufficient
The Sovereignty of God
Standing in the Gap
Fishing Lessons
Joel: A Book Review
Messianic Prophecy
Baptism and the Holy Spirit
2800 Year Old Relevance
The Value of Truth
First Principles of Worship - Part 3
First Principles of Worship - Part 2
First Principles of Worship - Part 1
The Corona Culture
Jesus' Resumé
Are You On the List?
The Three ISMs
Godly Sexuality
Not All Religions are Equal
Hope as an Anchor
How Jesus Reached Me