2,754 Videos
View Series
Three Things the Church Needs to Hear
When Life Is Not Fair
Knowing and Living in the Love of God
Tools in the Hands of God
An Ordered Life
The Divine Contingency Plan
5 Positive Aspects of the Chick-fil-A Controversy
True Piety
Its Worth It
Biblical Teaching on Judging
Have you Obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Husband-Wife Relationships
Our Need for Jesus
What's the Deal with Chick-fil-A?
The Response of Righteousness
Living Family Values
Unity of the Church
How to Hang in There When you Feel Like Walking Out
God's Blessing to the Gentiles
The Best Class We Ever Sat In
The Basis for Unity in the Church
Past-Present-Future of the Church
The Cross-Centered Church
All Spiritual Blessings in Christ
What the Tired Church Needs to Hear
The City and Church of Ephesus
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Review of Re-Baptism
The Power of Unity
Introduction to Ephesians
How to respond to Evolutionists
How does the theory of Evolution continue to spread?
How do Evolutionist respond to Creation?
What is the difference between adaption and evolution?
Evolution Q&A - How does a Dog turn into a Whale?
Resurrection / Appearances / Ascension
Last Passover to Crucifixion Week (continued)
Last Passover to Crucifixion Week