Articles by Marty Kessler

  A Brief Tribute To My Mother, And To All Those Like Her Everywhere   If you would, please indulge me in a bit of personal reflection.  As I write this, just a few days before Mothers’ Day 2009, my own mother is a new resident in a nursing home near “the old home place” back in West Virginia.   She lived in the house she and Dad built for us back in 1963-64, ...
  The above name is given to the existence of billions of widely diversified and fully developed life forms in the lowest layers of earth’s sedimentary strata.  The fossil record should, if we assume the so-called theory of evolution to be accurate, show very gradual change from the supposed first simple life forms to the more complex ones that are thought to have evolved later, af...
  (1st John 3:13)   The “Miss U.S.A.” pageant is over, and Carrie Prejean, Miss California did not win.  Miss North Carolina did win, a beautiful and talented young lady to be sure, but under the circumstances, one must wonder if Miss California was not a victim of bigotry.   It all stems from her answer to the very politically charged question she was asked as a pa...
As I write, it has been less than a week since wild fires raged through several parts of Oklahoma. Extremely dry conditions and wind gusts over 60 mph set the stage for disaster, and disaster sure enough took the stage. Like many other families in the Choctaw and Midwest City area, we alternated watching news reports on television concerning the fire’s progress with calling to check on frien...
Jesus wants us to remember at what cost we have been bought, that is ransomed, from our own sin. That is why He gave us the simple, yet perfect observance of eating unleavened bread to represent His body, and grape juice to represent His blood. You and I may each recall different aspects of His sacrifice, but consider those things Matthew recorded in his account, 26:36-27:50: 26:36-46 - He was lef...
Initiative. One dictionary offers as a definition, “that which begins”. It is a character trait each of us should develop, but often seems like few of us have. Sadly, it seems that the ‘wicked’ are the ones who develop this tendency more than any other group. God speaks of them… hearts that devise wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil (Proverbs 6:18), inventors...
Use Your Speech - Not just your vocabulary, but the things you talk about, and especially the way you talk about others. Refuse to be a source of gossip, or perhaps even better, refuse to be an ear for it. Always speak as positively as you can about others and this will make a positive impression on those who hear you. Remember, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anythin...
God has always regulated worship. He has never left it up to us to come before Him as we please. Something I have come to call The Romans 10:17 principle, is axiomatic. The passage itself teaches: So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Several Biblical passages and historical references, aside from our own ‘common sense’, teach us that we do not have the capaci...
Your initial response to the above question may be, “Duh, anyone who sins”; and you would be right. This is the simplest definition. Jesus used the term “sinner” frequently and so did the gospel writers. Typically, it seems to refer to those whose behavior was considered outside of the law in an open and obvious way. Both Matthew and Mark called some with whom Jesus ate, si...
#1 Each one of us has been designed by God. He made the first man and woman and put within them the genetics we see represented in the diversity of mankind. The colors of our skins, the textures of our hair, the body types and facial features we see from nationality to nationality were all placed in Adam and Eve and have been handed down to you and me and every one else in whatever combination we ...
But to which of the angels has He ever said, “SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I MAKE YOUR ENEMIES A FOOTSTOOL FOR YOUR FEET”? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:13-14 In the context of the letter, the inspired writer was primarily making a point about the preeminence of Jesus over the angels. In the p...
I love to hunt. Bow hunting in particular, for deer. Problem is, I can’t really articulate why I have such strong feelings about it. Others like myself simply describe our mutual passion for the sport as something that “gets in your blood”. Obviously there are the “regular” commonplace things we love about it, like the smell of the woods in the fall or the ever-changi...
You have a conscience for a reason. Think of it as a highly advanced onboard warning system, hardwired down so deep within you that it is often referred to as your “gut”. Be advised, situations often arise in life that call for just such a system to be in place when nothing else would be reliable. Perhaps someone you trust tries to talk you into doing something with which you are not c...
Jesus did. So did His apostles. Want to see some examples? How about John 4:20-22 where Jesus told a Samaritan woman that she and her people didn’t even know what they worshiped? If we’d been there, would we have been embarrassed about it? He then told her that salvation was of the Jews (not the Samaritans). Today, He likely would be branded as narrow, bigoted, intolerant and arrogant ...
Can you recall a reference anywhere in the Bible that would lead you to believe that God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit ever considered any human affront to be a personal insult? I haven’t. Of course, there are plenty of places where we are told that God was angered by people’s behavior. To my knowledge, however, we are never lead to believe that He considered Himself to be pers...
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (which is the first commandment with promise), SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH. Ephesians 6:1-3 You may have noticed that two-year-olds don’t usually read very much. That’s why I really doubt that the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write the above with the int...
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth….. 2nd Timothy 4:3-4 NEWSWEEK magazine should change their name. Their recent article, Our Mutual Joy, is not news. It is a repeat of old contortions in Bible &ls...
The above is part of Acts 17:26 where the apostle Paul is attempting to introduce the true and living God to the Athenians on Mars Hill. I have often wondered what all the idea of determining the boundaries of man’s habitation entailed. Our present technology seems to have taken us a long way. That is not to say that we have ‘arrived’ anywhere in particular. After all, someone co...
Absarootintootinlootly! (OK, that’s not really a word, but you know what I mean) and the proof is right there in the texts of holy scripture. The Bible is not a science book per se, and is actually often held in contrast to all things scientific. However, the information revealed to mankind within its pages is not only scientifically accurate in every way, but accurate in several different a...
But what is this new birth Jesus teaches that is by water and the Spirit of God? I believe that everything in Jesus’ New Testament teaches us that it is the spiritual birth of a soul into the family of God that takes place at baptism. We can begin right here in the very context where Jesus introduces us to the idea: After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea, and ...