Articles by Marty Kessler

Just a few weeks from the writing of this article, a new movie will be released entitled, The Golden Compass. The movie is based on the first in a trilogy of books which the author calls His Dark Materials. These books are written for and marketed to children and are considered as children’s books by Random House Publishing whose synopsis of the story can be read at
And they are right, it is the 21st Century. We have 21st Century crime...This is no time to make excuses and allowances for sin. This is a time to make everyone accountable for their actions just as God says we will be in judgment. Besides, if we’re so advanced in the 21st Century, why haven’t we overcome such vice in our society? Nope, if there was ever a time when we must hold people...
The apostle Paul made a notable statement when He wrote to the church at Philippi, Macedonia in Philippians 1:29. He said, ‘For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake’. There is much of interest here, but in particular my thoughts are drawn to the fact that Paul said that God has granted to some the ability to bel...
Why Doesn’t God Tell Us How We Are Supposed To Feel? Instead, He always tells us the right way to behave. Take baptism for example. Have you ever wondered why we are not told how we are supposed to feel when we rise up from baptism to walk in new life, (Romans 6:3-4)? I believe the reason is that salvation is by faith, not by feelings. We can know that we have new life at the point at which ...