Articles by Titus West
In Luke 7, Jesus is invited to have a meal with a Pharisee. While Jesus is reclining at the table, a woman who is known in that city as a sinner came to Jesus, fell at his feet weeping and began to wash his feet with her tears. As she is weeping, she cleaned and dried Jesus’ feet with her hair and after they were clean, she kissed and anointed his feet with the perfume from her alabaster flask. It...
This last week, two U.S. men visiting India were arrested and fined for violating their visas. What was this violation? They preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. August of 2023 in Watertown, WI, there was a young man arrested at a pride parade for speaking into his microphone and speaker system. What was he saying? He was reading Galatians 5. A gentleman on the streets of Reading, PA was arrested ...
There is a great divide between our brethren, and I have found it because I have the privilege to stand before the congregation almost every week. Please trust me when I say this, if this issue were as simple as moving the pulpit, that’s what would be done. However, much thought has gone into this as I have, for the last 5 years, looked out over our worship space to see 100 people crammed into the...
What does it mean to glorify God? When I think about this, I almost always think first of my worship to God, and I almost always think next of my actions. When we think of these two things, we are actually combining two different ways in which we glorify God. First is communal glorification and the second is individual glorification. It is important to glorify God through our worship and actions, ...
Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m too far gone to be saved”? It’s almost always an ashamed individual looking over their life and thinking that they have sinned too much. They carry too much baggage for God to handle. They truly believe in their hearts and minds that God could and will never forgive them. One can understand how someone who has lived a particularly sinful life could feel this w...
In the early 2000’s, Christian music was at the forefront of mainstream music. It wasn’t uncommon to turn on the radio to kj103 and hear your favorite Christian band. In 2001, there was a Christian band our youth group liked to listen to called Relient K (yes, like the Chrysler k cars). One of their songs that has stuck with me through years is called Pressing On and these lyrics specifically, “To...
This last weekend, the youth group and several members of the congregation went on a retreat. The theme was from Philippians 1, “To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain” and our goal was to focus on what it truly means to live for Christ every day. We had some great lessons and group discissions that I believe were effective, I know they were for me. One particular lesson has stuck with me, and I would ...
In the society we live in, there is this term called ‘cancel culture.’ The term springs from people who have lost jobs, contracts, businesses, future livelihood opportunities and sometimes families for standing up for what they believe to be true. This term has been politically charged in our society and has encouraged people who have the opportunity to stand against evil to do nothing. Like all o...
Ministry is possibly the most important job a person could ever have. If you scroll through the latest reels on your favorite social media platform, you’ll likely come across videos of people in their worship buildings listening to a minister saying something seemingly profound but something that clearly misses the mark. Recently, I came across a video where the man ‘preaching’ said that people wh...
There are at least 46 verses in the bible that contain the word “zeal.” The definition of zeal is, a strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something. This word is often used to describe people in the church as well as local churches themselves. One would think that a word like zeal would always be a good thing for the Christian, but that isn’t ...
Jesus said many wonderful and glorious things. He is God in the flesh, after all. To me, there is one statement Jesus makes, that has encouraged me over and over again. A statement many of us know and quote with the idea in mind that Jesus truly is the son of God. However, there is so much more to this statement than its use of proof. This statement is a guide for us in our faith for Jesus says in...
Have you ever felt like you are ‘lesser than?’ Many, if not all of us have. I’ve noticed that people tie significance to recognition. If they are recognized for their efforts, they feel significant. If their efforts go unnoticed, their view of themselves wanes. People measure their self-worth based on how others view them, which isn’t bad if the outside influence is God. Think of Seth in Genesis 4...
One of the things about ministry that gives me great joy is showing the love of God and His son, Jesus, to those lost in the world. I remember helping a gentleman who was homeless and not a Christian, and he told me something that stuck with me as we parted ways, “It was nice to be treated like a human being.” In the Wednesday teen class, we have been learning a simple yet powerful statement. “If ...
From 1995-2005, the Barna Group tracked the views of American on moral relativism. Fewer than 32% of Christian adults believed in a universal truth and only 9% of Christian teens said they believed a universal truth even existed. Unfortunately, this statistic hasn’t changed much since then, even among ‘born-again’ adults. In 2014, Pew Research Center did a study finding that 29% of Americans belie...
I was watching a theological reaction to an Easter Sunday service stage play done by the Transformation Church in our very own Tulsa, OK. A play that has brought the church and its leaders national criticism from the Christian community. During the reaction, the ‘pastor’ of the church says he did this big production to reach the community around them. The show host then pauses the video and respon...
Since the beginning of 2023, 1,000 Christians have been martyred in Nigeria due to specific planned attacks on their meeting places and homes. Last month alone, 29 Christians were killed in Nigeria. In fact, a known 52,250 Christians, including their children, have been slaughtered due to attack from Boko Haram Jihadists since 2009. During this time, 18,000 churches and 2,200 Christian schools hav...
The old Disney movie, Hercules, is one of my favorite movies. It came out when I was growing up and not only did it capture my love with its charming story, but the music really hit me. Especially the song ‘Distance.’ It’s a great little tune about finding where you belong. Even today, I still sing to myself that “I can go the distance, if I can be strong. Every mile will be worth my while. I will...
When I first began attending Choctaw Church of Christ, the former youth minister, Mike Coghill, did a teen class where the teens turned in questions and he answered them. This quarter in the teen class, I followed his lead and we have been covering questions that the teens have about the Church, religion in general, and Christianity within our society. It’s been a successful class and it has surpr...
As a newer student of Bible study, I often find myself understanding doctrine, but not understanding scripture. I find myself stating ‘facts’ that I learn in class or from a more mature Christian and not truly understanding the words written. For example: I know that the greatest command is to “love the Lord your God with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37) but I don’t understa...
Self-control is the ability to live with restraints. In the Greek, the word for self-control is Enkrateia meaning ‘having a great force within, but under control.’ Self- control is the last Fruit of the Spirit that is listed in Galatians chapter 5 but that doesn’t make it the least important. The world looks at the self-control demanded in Scripture and sees it almost as weakness. It most often co...