Articles by Titus West
This coming weekend is Easter Sunday. The day known around America as the day we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. His resurrection was predicted in the Old Testament and came to fruition in the New and this is the day our country has set aside to celebrate the plan God put together at the very beginning of time so that we may have a hope of being in Heaven with Him. So, as people all o...
Today is Valentine’s Day! A day set aside in our society for showing love to our significant other. Now, I have no vendetta against the holiday, but have you’ve noticed that “love” is marketed to us in the forms of jewelry, flowers, candies, and stuffed animals. That is what I have seen my entire life, so I think it’s safe to say that society sees “love” as tangible. Something that you give in the...
Evil has shown itself and is waging a war against Christianity and the Gospel of Christ. This morning I saw a video of a man getting knocked out. It seems he was trying to protect others. Afterward, he had his head stomped on multiple times and then his phone was stolen from him as he lay there helpless. During the same incident, a person was stabbed and another 13 people were arrested. Yesterday,...
This last week, Central Oklahoma experienced a natural disaster. Do you ever wonder why natural disasters occur on earth? I mean, other than reasons science tells us about like soil erosion, seismic activity, tectonic movements, air pressure, and ocean currents; why do they happen? It may seem that, during these times, it’s easy to ask, “Where was God?” We can be assured that God does use natural ...
I am constantly examining myself. Something I have discovered is that I struggle with procrastination. It is very easy for me to let life take over and procrastinate. Not in just my priorities, but in my everyday relationships as well. Whether it be neglecting text messages and emails for days, putting off a school paper one more time or letting my yard get out of hand; procrastination is a consta...
I woke up this morning with a “crick” in my neck. I’ve heard of these, but never had one before. Naturally, I figured I could just stretch it out throughout the morning to ease the pain. Unfortunately, by the time I had gotten to work, the “crick” was so bad I decided to go buy an Icy/Hot patch! I’m glad to tell you that after an hour, I could finally turn my head again. Between this adventure and...
Joshua 1: 8-9, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” I’ve been thinking about this passage lately. I know t...
Today at lunch, I spilled my drink. It was a dramatic experience not only because it was a mess, but because I was looking forward to drinking it. So, when my delicious soda fell off the desk and hit the floor, I let out an audible, “NO!” I sat there staring at the wasted liquid seep into the carpet. I was so disappointed. In fact, it almost ruined my afternoon. A drink affected my attitude to the...
Boredom. It is a word that we are getting to know very well during this time of necessary quarantine. The world’s population is being asked to stay home from work, play, school, travel, etc. and we humans have quickly gotten bored, at least I have, with no foreseen end to social distancing. Therefore, I think it might be wise to ask, “How are we as Christians supposed to handle our growing boredom...
How do I become content? It’s a question that is constantly in the back of my mind. You see, I was raised in a family that seemed to be content with little. We didn’t have much and weren’t able to do much. I didn’t like growing up that way and as a result, I have never stayed still. I’ve come to look at everything in the world as a steppingstone. How do I get to the next level? What can I do bette...
On October 25, 2019, a rapper named Kanye West released his ninth studio album entitled: “Jesus is King.” Though in the last 15 years, Mr. West has been known for his secular music, this album is not. It is a worship album. An entire project dedicated to Jesus. Kanye has said, “This album is my expression to what He (Jesus) has done in my life.” In the Christian community, people are divided as wh...
It’s the holiday season again! It’s that time of year when we are supposed to be joyous and thankful. Unfortunately, that is not always a realistic view. Despite what we are told through the radio, tv, and other media, there is no holiday magic cure when we are not able to be joyous or thankful. We still take advantage of each other. We argue with each other. We insult and kill each other no matte...
Most people who have listened to sermons have heard the Bible called, at one time or another, the “Living Word.” Have you ever wondered what that means? Surely it does not mean that your Bible comes to life and goes from being an inanimate object to an animate object that lives, breathes and needs nourishment. It can be a difficult concept to grasp that words live. So, how can we better understand...
I am constantly telling my daughter, “Share with your sister.” or “Share with your cousin.” I don’t often hear adults saying that phrase to each other, yet we all make sure to instill the idea of sharing into our children. Why is that? Do we realize exactly what we are doing when we share? Hebrews 13:16 says, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing t...
We have all most likely heard the phrase, “Communication is Key.” It is usually connected to an intimate relationship like a marriage or a friendship. The phrase is also used in most job places. Now that I’m involved in ministry, I realize it applies to the Church as well. My wife and I used to think we were good communicators. We found out we were good “assumers” and it tore us apart. We ended up...
I have been thinking lately about what our individual roles are in the Church. Are we working? I seem to have tunnel vision toward this subject of doing Kingdom works and just regular works that come with being involved in church. What is the need and how do we fulfill it? As I’ve been thinking about ways to get members involved, I’ve started to ask myself, “How can it be made simple?” I mean, wha...
Have you ever used a socket wrench? It is a tool of varying lengths and sizes that holds a socket on its end according to your need. Wrenches are pretty standard, but there are many different kinds and styles of sockets because it is imperative to have the correct fit for the job at hand. If the socket is not the correct fit, the job will be much harder to accomplish. Yet, just having the correct ...
No matter what Church people attend, there is usually a time set aside to worship and within the worship, there is a time to sing. We, in the Church of Christ, are especially careful about how we sing together. We do not use musical instruments or dance, but I think we all know that. My question is not how do we sing together but why do we sing together? What is so important about us singing toget...
There are many things required when building a foundation in the Lord. One of them, I’m sure we all will agree, is consistently reading and studying our bibles. It is God’s Word given to us so that we may learn about our Creator, teach the Good News and build our faith. The other day, I was told it is good to find a version I enjoy reading. Later on, this idea re-surfaced when thinking about my da...
What is Patience? A word extremely common in our every day vocabulary. I thought about how I needed some this morning trying to help get our children around for the day. Then I realized I didn’t even know the meaning. I only know what I THINK the meaning is. So what is the actual definition of patience, what does the Bible say about it, and how can we apply it in our every day lives? The word “pat...