
Monday evening, August 11th, 2014, I was shocked to look up at a television screen and see wirtte4n across it: “Robin Williams, 1951-2014”. Like others, I had no idea that I would be so affected by his death.I realized that I felt like I know him. Perhaps this was because he played so many characters, many of which I had seen in movies and television shows, and also because he was the ever-present...
Sometimes I wish I had an eye on each of my big toes to protect from banging them on things in the dark when my "Nite Lite" is off. My toes are truly thankful for "Nite Lites" for they are little lamps unto my feet.But more importantly is the "nite lite" for our souls. David said, "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path... Ps 119:105. God's word is our nite lite to keep us from stum...
One of our seniors suffered chest pains and had to be rushed to the hospital recently. They told her to take it easy and not do so much, she wasn't getting any younger and neither was her heart.That same Wednesday evening she quietly took her place among the saints for the regular mid-week service. No clamor, no fanfare, just a member showing up for church as she has done all her life.The moment I...
Do you realize that the New Testament is filled with them?The church at Ephesus had “fallen” by having left their first love, and as a result, were in danger of losing their place in God’s kingdom, Revelation 2:1-7.The brethren at Pergamum allowed false teachers to influence some of their flock to take part in idolatry and immorality and so did the church in Thyatira, Revelation 2:12-29. Jesus eve...
Carla Hinton, religious editor for The Oklahoman (“Faith In The Summer,” June 28, 2014, p. 1 D) reports concerning a five year old girl who “closed her eyes and held her breath in preparation for a life-changing experience” - her baptism. Her religious leader asked her “if she was ready to be baptized as an outward sign of her acceptance of Christ into her heart.”This young girl was one of 214 peo...
Being “a preacher” I have often been praised for having done something for someone in need in one way or another. It may be the couple sacks of groceries that come out of the church’s pantry, a tank of gas, some bit of family or marital counseling, answering a Bible question or resolving a faith issue of some sort.Some such folk have openly expressed what a good guy they believed me to be. I must ...
Cyrus, king of Persia, commissioned Israelites living in Persia to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple which had been destroyed decades earlier.The previous temple had been built by king Solomon with all of the grandeur that Israel, at her apex of economic power, could provide. The new temple being built at Cyrus’ command under the leadership of Zerubabbel and Jeshua, paled in appearance to...
1.Choking on an ice cube? Don’t panic. Simply poor some boiling water down your throat and, presto, the blockage will be removed.2.Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.3.High-blood-pressure? No problem. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.4.Sleeping too late? A mousetra...
My father was not normally philosophical, but at times could be a wise man. Though these sayings were to guide me in a physical life, without too much trouble I can find spiritual parallels in the words of our heavenly Father. First my Dad's words.....then my (our) Heavenly Father's.... 1. "You don't learn a thing when a mule kicks you the second time." (Stop and leave) - 2 Tim 2:22-23..."Now flee...
Jesus said that God is seeking those who will worship him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). God’s Spirit is the source of all scripture, according to several passages such as 1st Corinthians 2:12-13:“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which thingswe also speak, not in words taught by...
Justin Juozapavicius and Kristi Eaton (“Oklahoma Gambling Addicts Have Few Places To Get Help,” “The Oklahoman, May 19, 2014, p.5A) call our attention to a generally silent, subtle sin that surrounds our current social scene—Gambling! While the news media boldly advertises the places, and gifted, hired promoters, in TV’s colorful, dazzling display, seek your presence at some 120 casinos in Oklahom...
The Jewish nation of Jesus' day sought a savior who could free them from Roman authority. They molded their religious hopes around this false human dream. When Jesus came along, He had all the marks of the Savior (miracles, fulfilled prophecy) but His humble demeanor and death on the cross conflicted with their view of what the Messiah should be. In the end they chose to cling to the shadow of the...
It is presently being questioned here in Oklahoma. The following is my view.God destroyed the world with the great flood because of the violence of humanity, according to Genesis 6:5 & 11-13. We find the remains of the world that once was, now buried underneath us and encased mostly in the water-borne sediments that cover the planet. Deep and massive oil, gas and coal deposits world-wide are a las...
Most people would risk their own lives to defend their mother from harm. But what about motherhood? Would we defend the design God intended for mothers with the same resolve?What is happening in our world?I overheard a bright young teenage girl (from a troubled family) say, “I’m too smart (gifted) to stay home and raise children”. We might expect such a foolish remark to come from a young person b...
Gwendolyn Webb, in her book, Training Up A Child (pp.217f) writes about an elderly Mother who spent the major part of her life rearing five sons. She had hoped her sons would have devoted their lives to ministering God’s Word. To that Mother’s disappointment, not one of her sons became a preacher. Instead, all five of her sons, in varied capacities, went to sea.Here is the amazing thing. While tha...
How Thirsty Are You?Recently I overheard a gentleman who apparently had years of teaching experience describe some of the teaching methods that he employed. I thought he might be overstating his anecdotes somewhat as he referred to what he had done in one of his classes. But he made a statement that really caught my attention. As I think back on it, I realize my brain accepted the statement comple...
I used to be a Boy Scout. One of the things Scouting taught me was to leave my campsite in better shape than I found it. The principle behind this teaching goes beyond any environmental concerns to the consideration of the next person who may follow your trail.Jesus teaches us this very idea as well when he says, “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for ...
Where did the word Easter come from, anyway? Well, the venerable Bede, an English scholar of the 8th century, proposed that the name came from a Teutonic Goddess named “Eastre”. Eastre’s given month was commensurate with our April and she was celebrated with such things as rabbits and also eggs to emphasize her role in fertility.Does that make pagan idolaters of those who eat chocolate rabbits and...
I have found that a great many of the Lord’s people lack confidence in the idea that God approves of their past or present involvement with the military. Others have family members serving and are unsure how to feel about their loved ones being part of an organization whose effectiveness comes through the display of, or active use of force.Can a Christian serve in, pray for, or otherwise support h...
Have you noted the biblical expressions that describe people-especially God’s people? Grown people are referred to as: “newborn babes” (I Pet. 2:2); “a babe”, “dull of hearing”, “ought to be teachers”, “full grown” (Heb. 5:11-14); “disorderly; fainthearted; weak” (I Thess. 5:14); “shortsighted” (II Pet. 1:9 NAS); “clouds without water”, “autumn trees without fruit”, “wild waves of the sea”, “wande...