Just a few weeks from the writing of this article, a new movie will be released entitled, The Golden Compass. The movie is based on the first in a trilogy of books which the author calls His Dark Materials. These books are written for and marketed to children and are considered as children’s books by Random House Publishing whose synopsis of the story can be read at
We have grown so spoiled by our modern conveniences, haven’t we? Think about electricity. It has only been in usage in our homes for a little over a hundred years. Not very long in the overall history of mankind, and yet we never notice it … till it goes off! Back many years ago, when people were first getting electric services delivered locally, two neighbors were trying to decide if...
Have you ever questioned your salvation? Have you ever wondered if your baptism was valid? Have you ever wondered if there is something else you need to do to ensure your salvation is solid? If these questions, or similar questions, have ever passed through your mind you need to read on. Questions like these have plagued the very thoughts of brothers and sisters, even some preachers and elders, fo...
When asked about prayer, many things may come to mind. For instance, you may feel: no-one needs to know about your prayers it is very personal your prayer is between you and God alone, no matter what you pray for Gods going to do what He wants anyway, to make it from one day to the next prayer is an absolute necessity you don’t not know how to pray, inadequate to pray you’re not good e...
And they are right, it is the 21st Century. We have 21st Century crime...This is no time to make excuses and allowances for sin. This is a time to make everyone accountable for their actions just as God says we will be in judgment. Besides, if we’re so advanced in the 21st Century, why haven’t we overcome such vice in our society? Nope, if there was ever a time when we must hold people...
The book of Hebrews provides us with several exhortations that encourage us to grow toward maturity in our Christian faith. 4:1 Therefore, let us fear lest, while a promise remains of entering His rest, anyone of you should seem to have come short of it. 4:11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience. 4:14 Since then we hav...
The apostle Paul made a notable statement when He wrote to the church at Philippi, Macedonia in Philippians 1:29. He said, ‘For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake’. There is much of interest here, but in particular my thoughts are drawn to the fact that Paul said that God has granted to some the ability to bel...
Why Doesn’t God Tell Us How We Are Supposed To Feel? Instead, He always tells us the right way to behave. Take baptism for example. Have you ever wondered why we are not told how we are supposed to feel when we rise up from baptism to walk in new life, (Romans 6:3-4)? I believe the reason is that salvation is by faith, not by feelings. We can know that we have new life at the point at which ...
A centennial celebration of statehood was colorfully and appropriately paraded before the masses this past Sunday--on the streets, on television--as a spectacular media moment of memory. It was a fitting tribute to so many who have meant so much to Oklahoma. Amidst all that pageantry, I wondered how many paid just tribute to only One--who has meant more to this state than all the others combined??...
Leaving is never easy. Whether it’s saying goodbye to a broken relationship or a grown-up child, the act of separation is usually accompanied by a measure of pain. And so it is with my departure from Choctaw to go preach for another congregation in California.As I go, there are several ideas I want to share with you in the hope that they will ease the discomfort that many may feel at this juncture...
There is a familiar scenario being played out in Washington these days. As a “lame-duck" White House and Congress try to carry on their work knowing that their terms will soon be at an end. Everyone goes through the motions, winking at the fact that what they are doing will have little impact on events since their authority is on hold until a new administration is sworn in.I mention this because i...
Recently one of our members, Harold Jones, retired from his responsibilities as deacon. The announcement for this was contained in a very small box with very few words in our bulletin and could have easily gone unnoticed.This humble and simple notice of retirement was very much the hallmark of Harold’s service to the church. He is a man of few words, but many actions. This virtue was brought home ...
It would be nice to speak of the autumn chill in the air and wonderful fall season coming upon us but who would I be kidding? This is Oklahoma - it’s 104o in September! There is very little color change here, except for the scorch burns on your lawn.Even though it doesn’t look or feel like it, summer is almost over. One sure sign is that school is in session and the pace of activities at work has ...
What a wonderful day April 28th was for me. The culmination of 7 years of filling out forms, standing in line, and waiting for the mail finally came to fruition. At the Federal courthouse I took my oath and became an American citizen.If that wasn't enough of a blessing, that night a group of brethren organized a wonderful celebration to mark this special occasion. I want to thank all those who cam...
Recently we conducted the funeral of our dear sister Atha Harkless. Her death was quite unexpected and the funeral was set for early in the week, leaving only one full working day to care for the particulars.At the funeral itself hundreds gathered for the service which the family planned with care. As far as a funeral was concerned it was quite detailed, with a dinner for over sixty followed by a ...
Car dealerships are always boasting about their “great” or “fast” service because their customers prize competent workmanship done in a timely manner. In the church, we hope that our deacons can serve in the same ways, but the quality most prized among them is that of “quiet” service.This week Carthel Miller, one of our deacons, announced his retirement from this position due to health issues in h...
My little buddy, Jacob Foster, gives me some of his Bible class drawings from time to time. They are the images of a happy seven-year-old who has lived his entire life within the loving circle of the Choctaw congregation. Pictures of the cross or people traveling to services are eagerly pressed into my hands after worship. With his beaming smile and a sincere, "Here Michael, I made this for you." ...
They leave their classroom messy after puppet show rehearsal. They make noise and always sit at the back during worship. They take up a large part of the budget and wear out a full-time minister.Some wonder why so much effort and resources go into the youth program. Here are some statistics to look at while you ponder the value of our ministry to youth here at the Choctaw congregation.Each day in ...
Our community has found it’s own version of millennium madness in the debate over the Outer Loop construction project. This Loop will connect to the super highway that will form a corridor between Canada and Mexico. Many rear that it will not simply run through Oklahoma but may even rumble through our very living rooms.Those in danger of losing property are concerned, as they should be, and every ...
I've noticed that despite good attendance at services and great enthusiasm for our various projects, we have not given sufficiently in recent months to make budget. Oh, we're not missing it by much, but every week, little by little, we fall behind in our giving.In order to encourage us to bear down in this area, I'd like to remind you of a few things concerning our offerings here at Choctaw: WE NE...