The announcer on the radio said that the BRAC commission had voted to keep Tinker Air force Base open, and close other locations instead.For several years families have been on the brink of bad news as the politics of military realignment have been played out on peoples' frayed nerves. But, at last, an answer is at hand.Our community has been spared a major economic and social blow. As we draw bac...
This Sunday morning our elders will be presenting a group of men who will serve this congregation as deacons. This will culminate a long process that began with a series of lessons on elders, deacons and preachers, followed by a selection of qualified men by the congregation who were then individually interviewed by the elders.The final group chosen were put before the congregation for review and ...
This is the theme for our all-church retreat to be held on Friday, November 18th and Saturday, November 19th. We have begun an ambitious series of programs this year with many people participating in teaching, service, visitation, and various other ministries. Add to this the many pressures at home and work that we face and all of it spells --- T – I – R – E – D !I believe that as the Thanksgiving...