Articles by Marty Kessler

Do you realize that the New Testament is filled with them?The church at Ephesus had “fallen” by having left their first love, and as a result, were in danger of losing their place in God’s kingdom, Revelation 2:1-7.The brethren at Pergamum allowed false teachers to influence some of their flock to take part in idolatry and immorality and so did the church in Thyatira, Revelation 2:12-29. Jesus eve...
Being “a preacher” I have often been praised for having done something for someone in need in one way or another. It may be the couple sacks of groceries that come out of the church’s pantry, a tank of gas, some bit of family or marital counseling, answering a Bible question or resolving a faith issue of some sort.Some such folk have openly expressed what a good guy they believed me to be. I must ...
Cyrus, king of Persia, commissioned Israelites living in Persia to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple which had been destroyed decades earlier.The previous temple had been built by king Solomon with all of the grandeur that Israel, at her apex of economic power, could provide. The new temple being built at Cyrus’ command under the leadership of Zerubabbel and Jeshua, paled in appearance to...
1.Choking on an ice cube? Don’t panic. Simply poor some boiling water down your throat and, presto, the blockage will be removed.2.Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.3.High-blood-pressure? No problem. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.4.Sleeping too late? A mousetra...
Jesus said that God is seeking those who will worship him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). God’s Spirit is the source of all scripture, according to several passages such as 1st Corinthians 2:12-13:“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which thingswe also speak, not in words taught by...
It is presently being questioned here in Oklahoma. The following is my view.God destroyed the world with the great flood because of the violence of humanity, according to Genesis 6:5 & 11-13. We find the remains of the world that once was, now buried underneath us and encased mostly in the water-borne sediments that cover the planet. Deep and massive oil, gas and coal deposits world-wide are a las...
Most people would risk their own lives to defend their mother from harm. But what about motherhood? Would we defend the design God intended for mothers with the same resolve?What is happening in our world?I overheard a bright young teenage girl (from a troubled family) say, “I’m too smart (gifted) to stay home and raise children”. We might expect such a foolish remark to come from a young person b...
I used to be a Boy Scout. One of the things Scouting taught me was to leave my campsite in better shape than I found it. The principle behind this teaching goes beyond any environmental concerns to the consideration of the next person who may follow your trail.Jesus teaches us this very idea as well when he says, “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for ...
Where did the word Easter come from, anyway? Well, the venerable Bede, an English scholar of the 8th century, proposed that the name came from a Teutonic Goddess named “Eastre”. Eastre’s given month was commensurate with our April and she was celebrated with such things as rabbits and also eggs to emphasize her role in fertility.Does that make pagan idolaters of those who eat chocolate rabbits and...
I have found that a great many of the Lord’s people lack confidence in the idea that God approves of their past or present involvement with the military. Others have family members serving and are unsure how to feel about their loved ones being part of an organization whose effectiveness comes through the display of, or active use of force.Can a Christian serve in, pray for, or otherwise support h...
If you need a reminder, Mr. Phelps was the leader of the Westboro Baptist church. They have become infamous for their professedly hate-filled anti-gay stance and inflammatory posters seen especially when they have picketed the funerals of fallen American soldiers.The central issue around which this controversy revolves remains whether we as a nation will accept as normal the practice of homosexual...
1.Start by praying, remembering that Jesus said, “Blessed are the Peacemakers” and not “Blessed are the argument winners”. If you make it a contest, you’ve lost already.2.Respect each other. Never mock or demean the other person in any way.3.Turn down the volume. Exercise some self-control.4.Keep it private; never in public, never in front of the kids, never publicize it.5.Identify and address the...
Both views (all views) of origins rely on faith.The first two laws of thermodynamics, however, respectively argue against the ideas that matter is eternal and that it increases in complexity or gains organization with time. Organization does not occur by accident but by intent. Even given the assumption that organization occurred, if left on its own, it would soon become disorganized without conti...
Likely by now you have heard the news about a temple of Satan in New York vying to place a statue of Satan on the grounds of the Oklahoma capitol building.Consider the Preamble to the State Constitution of Oklahoma:“Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessing of liberty; to secure just and rightful government; to promote our mutual welfare and happiness, w...
Sound exciting? But what if your adventure is something that you did not expect, or even want?Joseph went on an adventure, didn’t he? Sold into slavery while just a teen he went through a series of what I would definitely call “life changing events” to eventually be made the second most powerful man in the world. Joseph said in the end “God meant it for good in order to bring about this present re...
It sounds good to those of us in leadership here at Choctaw.We believe that a full-time or at least a part-time man on staff whose focus would specifically be ministering to our young families and young people could prove to be a great asset.We live in an age when the security of our families and the innocence of our children are under attack.  Dysfunction and divorce are rampant.  Drugs...
God has given national governments the responsibility to “bear the sword” for the purpose of keeping order by punishing evil.  Jesus’ apostle Paul made this very clear in Romans 13:1-5 calling governments (including the Roman government) God’s “deacons” whose intended purpose is to “bring wrath on the one who practices evil”.Obviously some abuse power.  Such abus...
Thankfully, during nearly 2,000 years since its establishment in Jerusalem, the kingdom of God has never shut down.Nations come and nations go.  Our beloved country, the United States of America, was begun by men who understood both the tenuous nature of nations and the eternal nature of God’s kingdom as well.  Benjamin Franklin was one of those men:“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and t...
How many times has it been lamented, “All good things must come to an end”?Specifically, two good things have now come to an end here at Choctaw.Billy VanCuren is stepping down from the eldership so that he and Judy can take full advantage of his retirement.  Just this week a “little bird” overheard Judy say, “Billy has been all around the world without me, but we have never gone around the c...
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I haveloved you, that you also love one another.  By this all men will know that you areMy disciples, if you have love for one another”,   John 13:34-35How will all men know if we are Jesus’ disciples?  Jesus made it clear above.“This is My commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you”John 1...