Solomon wrote a lot about the way fools behave in his book of Proverbs and also in Ecclesiastes. Just skimming my concordance I counted at least 83 times in the Proverbs and 25 times in Ecclesiastes that he calls on the reader to consider the ways of foolishness. In Proverbs it seems the initial readers were intended to be Solomon’s own sons according to 4:1-5. Solomon claims...
Our beloved nation is dividing even as I write these words. “Dividing” may be a term too mild, since we actually seem to be polarizing at extreme distances from our fellow citizens. Jesus observed for us that a house divided cannot stand. What is a Christian to do? We are to do as our Lord taught us to do; speak the truth in love. Jesus exampled this for us, his apostle wro...
Have you ever gone to a movie and had to endure the rude behavior of others? Have you ever assembled with the church and had to endure the rude behavior of others who seemed to think they were at a movie? Shouldn’t it bother us to see grown-ups who know better, lightly passing the time with others during a worship assembly? You can even see it happening during the Lord’s Supper. ...
While some folks still emphasize that we don’t “go to church,” because we are the church, our decision to assemble is a matter that should capture our attention. I recently came across a poetic piece that is worthy of our mediation. Someone wrote: “Some go to church to take a walk; Some go to church to laugh and talk; Some go to church to meet a friend; Some go...
What imagery does the above statement conjure? Thunderstorm? Tornado? Blizzard? God told Noah, “Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish”, Genesis 6:17. As my mom used to say, “Now you just think about that!” God brought...
If they are thinkers, they will influence you to become a thinker. If they are kind, you will become kinder by means of their company. If they are cynical or negative, well, you get the picture. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church and told them that evil companions corrupt good morals (1st Corinthians 15:33). His reason for the statement was specific, because some in th...
Recently it was necessary for me to spend some time waiting. No one’s favorite pastime I suppose, but as it was, I was in a beautiful and spacious atrium that was very well lit and furnished as comfortably as you could hope for. The architecture of the room was itself very appealing, and the colors selected for the walls, woodwork and stone were perfect to please both eye and soul. Plants and artw...
Be advised: Plans are being made to put state question #788 on the ballot for Oklahomans this summer, which would allow the medicinal use, possession and production of marijuana under certain provisions. This article is not intended to tell you how to vote. Of course we all want to provide anything we can medicinally to address the needs of those who are hurting; as long as what is provided ...
For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them.- 1 Samuel 3:13 He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.- Proverbs 13:24 Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death.- Proverbs 19:18 Blows and wounds cl...
The above is a phrase found in Ephesians 5:16. The Greek word for redeem means “market” as in the kind of marketplace you would find in the center of an ancient city. One image of redemption, therefore, is to regaining possession of something by purchasing it as if it were found in a market. Our time is indeed up for grabs. It is “for sale”. We get to choose ...
Don’t you wonder, however, why God chose not to reveal the day of his son’s birth? Also, why do we not read of Jesus, his apostles or the early church observing the day? Perhaps God is keeping the focus consistent with what he had said through Solomon, “A good name is better than a good ointment, and the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth”……. And also...
As media songs again announce the Season, And manger scenes begin to appear; A missile is fired for no good reason: So anxiety grows in the hearts that fear! Doomsday disciples point to global warming, Warning the masses of the air we’re harming; As though we are in charge of planet earth, While ignoring the One who gave us birth! Our dwelling place can surely be abused, But greater ...
1 PRAY FOR YOUR CHILD, AND FOR THEIR FUTURE SPOUSE – James wrote that the prayer of a righteous man does much good (5:16). Since your child is God’s child, invite him into their life and your parenting often. As Peter wrote, cast all your “parenting” care on God because he cares...
Mary had a little boy, his soul was white as snow But he never went to Bible school, ‘cause Mary wouldn’t go He missed the story of the Christ that thrills a child’s mind While other children learned of God, this boy was left behind And as he grew from babe to youth, she saw to her dismay His soul that once was snowy white, became a dingy gray Realizing now that he was lost, she tried to win him b...
The following approach has been very helpful to me in working with young people who seem not quite mature enough to obey the gospel. The first thing to do when a child shows interest in baptism is to praise and encourage them for taking an interest in God and in the things that he teaches us. Secondly, ask them to explain to you as best they can, why they want to be baptized. What you must a...
Not every child has the privilege of learning from an early age about God, his son, Jesus and his Holy Spirit. I did. My mother never failed to see that I was present when and where these things were being taught. She made sure that I had plenty of opportunities to rub shoulders with people who were living lessons in Christianity. What a wonderful environment those people created. &nbs...
Imagine someone with tattoos that cover both arms. Done? Good. Now imagine an older person with white hair and a shuffling gait. Ever see a guy in public wearing a sharp looking suit & tie, or a middle aged lady with brightly colored spiked hair? Picture someone with a cigarette or maybe a young girl with a short skirt and a blouse that shows a little too much cleavage.How about ...
Paul described the members of the church as a body. Each part being necessary for the proper function of the system (I Cor. 12:12-27). Many parts - one body. We realize that none of us are the "eye", or the "ear" of the church...but it certainly paints a clear picture of the different parts of Christ's body - the Church to which we belong. Our spiritual body also consists of multiple parts: ...
With all of this talk about family, I became interested in my ancestry. What I have found out is downright amazing. As I traced my DNA, it provided some astounding and marvelous insights as to my spiritual lineage. My “D” (Divine relationship) informed me I was related to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-20).My “N” (Nature) could be traced all the way back to Noah (Genes...
First…..Go where you want to lead others. Children instinctively sense hypocrisy. If you want your children to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, they must see you making the effort to grow closer to him. Decide now to be willing to grow, which means being willing to change.If you plan to lead your family closer to God, you must plan to lead your family closer to God (y...