Articles by Mike Mazzalongo

Quarterback Tim Tebow’s public display of faith has ignited a debate over the role that religion plays in sports. Does God care about who wins or loses? Can prayer alter the results of a sporting event? Will the most spiritually minded team win Super Bowl XLVI? In all fairness to Mr. Tebow, he has said that he prays not for victory but for direction in life and the ability to make g...
Christmas is a busy time and the last thing we need is one more “job” to do.But that’s exactly what we’re asking of you with our “Brown Bag Christmas” appeal - to take the time to do one more thing (two if you count decorating the bag). But this extra chore will have important results if you bring your decorated bag full of groceries to church next Sunday, December 22nd (hey, that’s three things!)...
As you know, we are presently looking for a man to serve the Canyon View congregation as Youth and Family Minister. Although many will, in the weeks to come, call about the position, few will actually be interviewed and only one will be chosen.The reason for the slowness of the process is that not many applicants can demonstrate the qualifications that we desire for this position. In order to help...
This is my 50th Christmas without my father. I thought of him recently while I browned some meatballs for  a spaghetti sauce we were cooking up for guests over the holidays. This was his recipe. One handed down from his father and passed on to me by my mother years after he passed away.  The pungent smell of the garlic and Romano cheese filled the kitchen and flashed back ...
 I believe Martha's gotten a bad rap as far as Bible characters go. The most quoted reference about Martha is where Jesus gently admonishes her concerning this good woman's frustration at not receiving help from her sister, Mary, in serving their guests. This story recorded in Luke 10:40-41 has become, for many, the defining image of this woman, a worrier, a person consumed with tasks, and a ...
There has been much talk concerning Social Security that has a lot of folks in a lather. The government is suggesting a variety of ways to save it or make it more viable. Some groups want to abolish it in favor of private plans, others suggest delaying retirement or having part of the S.S. payments put into private funds. With the bulk of the population rapidly approaching retirement, it...
September 11th is “Grandparents Day” according to the flower and gift industry. Certainly grandparents are worthy of a bouquet or an outing at the Golden Corral but if we really want to please them, how about some things that would truly make a difference in their lives? Staying in touch and visiting on a regular basis would be nice. Cards and flowers on one day without an on-going presence only h...
Recently the men who attended our “Married Men Support Group” were asked to suggest ways that men could improve as husbands. Below is a sampling of some ideas that were brought forth. 1. Listen to her. Stop doing whatever else you may be doing and look at her and listen. Write things down if you have to for recall. 2. Show leadership in your family and Christian household. 3. Reassure her often th...
One of the most common reactions that new elders have at being selected for this position is a feeling of unworthiness. After all, we’re giving a man the responsibility of watching over the eternal souls of hundreds of people. This is quite a responsibility and a certain hesitation and sense of humility is natural. In order to provide encouragement I believe the Lord has included several ways to r...
Here's what a faithful brother's life would look like as seen through the eyes of the bulletin:1924 - "Thomas Peter Johnson born June 20th weighing 7lbs. 6oz. Billy & Ruth are doing fine.1938 - "Pete Johnson was baptized Sunday. The water at the creek was cold but all hearts rejoiced as this young man gave his life to Christ".1948 - "…a pot-luck dinner welcoming Pete Johnson home from military ser...
There are so many good reasons for attending Bible Class on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights – spiritual growth, Bible knowledge, as well as the mutual encouragement we receive from the fellowship at these times. David, the psalmist, touches on some of these in his longest psalm (119), which is dedicated to the wonderful advantages of studying God's Word.I'm sure he didn't mean it this way, bu...
Sometimes teenagers give me great hope for the future. Felicia Thompson, a Christian teen called me the other day in order to test a decision she had made.It seems that the school had asked her to lead the prayer at graduation ceremonies and this had caused her some concern. On one hand, she appreciated the honor the teachers had bestowed upon her with this request. On the other, her training in B...
Well, the bulldozers have finally arrived. You've probably noticed the earth moving equipment beginning their work thereby signaling the official start of our renovation effort.We've sung "To God Build The Glory" as our theme song for the project and it's easy to think that new classrooms and new carpeting will actually glorify the Lord. Let's remember however that God is not glorified by things, ...
I've been dreaming about the conveniences and advantages of our building when it will be completed. Won't it be nice when…? There will be room for over 500 at worship?We will have classrooms that will easily sit 50-60 adults?Folks who need assistance will be dropped off under a portico and will go directly to the auditorium without climbing any steps?An ice machine?TV Monitors positioned so that t...
Every move is forever, or so it seems. When we arrived in San Diego two and one half years ago, Lise and I were setting up for what we thought would be a long, and perhaps, final work in our ministry career. The elements were certainly in place: a great congregation with tremendous growth potential; a wonderful ministry team and staff; and, of course, the jewel of American cities, San Diego.Who kn...
The windshield wipers couldn't keep up. It was about 10 p.m. and I was riding in the church van with Jimmy Shepherd and Bob Aldridge who was driving. We were returning from taping one of the TV programs and were caught in a terrible rainstorm. Bob was carefully watching for a flooded road ahead and all of us were amazed at the power of the rain that fell on us in torrents. As we followed the ...
Have you ever wondered why God required the Jews to give 10% of their wealth as an offering or “tithe” in the Old Testament (Lev. 27:30-32)? First of all the number “10” in Jewish numerology indicated wholeness or maturity but as far as proportion was concerned, 10% of your wealth represented sacrifice. This was true then as it is today. For example: 3000 years ago if you gave 10% of your flock, h...
Sunday, December 5th will mark the beginning of the new quarter for our Bible Class program. The insert included in the last Sunday announcement sheet lists the new classes and their location. We owe a debt of thanks to those brothers and sisters who serve this congregation in the education ministry. Let's support their efforts in the following ways: 1. Be There The church meets for study, worship...
Next to the statement, “I love you,” I believe the most encouraging words to hear are, “I’d love to…”.I was reminded of this a while back when a regular Bible class teacher had to drop out because of work commitments and I had to find a mid-quarter replacement for this class.Finding Bible school teachers is always a daunting task for the Sunday morning program but a good teacher for a children’s c...
The oldest joke about preachers is that when they begin to deal with our true bad habits and sins in their sermons, we say that “they’ve gone from preaching to meddling”. The implication is that preaching is O.K. so long as it teaches me facts about the persons and history connected to the Bible and religion in general. Many people are of the opinion that preaching is acceptable ...