
Recently the men who attended our “Married Men Support Group” were asked to suggest ways that men could improve as husbands. Below is a sampling of some ideas that were brought forth. 1. Listen to her. Stop doing whatever else you may be doing and look at her and listen. Write things down if you have to for recall. 2. Show leadership in your family and Christian household. 3. Reassure her often th...
One of the most common reactions that new elders have at being selected for this position is a feeling of unworthiness. After all, we’re giving a man the responsibility of watching over the eternal souls of hundreds of people. This is quite a responsibility and a certain hesitation and sense of humility is natural. In order to provide encouragement I believe the Lord has included several ways to r...
When selecting servants who keep watch over your souls (Heb. 13:17), the Holy Spirit’s divine directives are quite succinct and sobering. When the apostles called for brethren to select men for special service in that first congregation, they gave qualifications (seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom), plus the sobering charge, “look out...from among yourselves&rd...
In the floor of Carlisle Cathedral in Carlisle England, is the tomb of Bishop Richard Bell who died in 1496. Engraved into the brass that covers his tomb are depictions of animals such as a dog, a pig, a bird, an eel, a fish and a weasel. In addition to these “usual” animals, however, are what appear to be obvious representations of two large quadruped type dinosaurs. Even more interes...
Consider the lowly battery. They produce work by causing electrons to flow from itself through a conductor into something else. You can’t see the electrons as they move, but you can verify the movement by whatever is connected to the battery. If , when it performs its function, then we know the battery is charged and empowering whatever it is connected to. Today’s lineup of batteries i...
For years we have been told and our children have been taught in our schools that dinosaurs have been extinct for around 65,000,000 years. I have to wonder then, why there is no consideration given to the huge body of evidence that says otherwise. I would like to highly recommend to you, the book, The Dinosaur Delusion, by Eric Lyons and Kyle Butt, from which most of the following information has ...
Did the title get your attention? What are you expecting this article to say? Do you think I’m going to talk about 900 phone numbers, or maybe pornography, or the difference in the male and female species? Nope. “Sex Sells” is the cry from retailers and the media. Perhaps I want to sell you a car, or a pair of blue jeans. How about a bag of potato chips? Surely that was what God ...
In other words, don’t be too quick to make someone a leader in the church, 1st Timothy 5:22. To do so, is to share responsibility for the evil they would do. This warning brings to light the gravity of selecting and appointing the shepherds that will provide the care and leadership a congregation needs. Consider also that such leaders are likely the ones who will set the tone in a church fam...
The above is a quote from the twentieth chapter of the book of Acts at verse twenty-eight. The apostle Paul is here recorded addressing the elders from the church at Ephesus. I have often wondered exactly what he meant when he said this. As I see it, there are at least four possibilities, neither of which is necessarily exclusive of the others. #1. Perhaps these men had all of their lives followed...
The traditions of “New Year’s Resolutions” can be a good thing. It encourages one to inspect his/her life (II Cor. 13:5), and it stimulates one to improve in one or some areas of behavior (Matt. 5:16). However, there is a haunting problem related to resolutions. That problem was surprisingly stated by the scientist, Harry Rimmer, when he was giving a biblical lecture many years a...
When the apostle Paul wrote to Titus he told him that he had left him in Crete, directing him to set in order what remained and appoint elders in every city, Titus 1:5. Immediately following this, the apostle wrote that men who would qualify must be among other things, the husband of one wife and have believing children. He must also be above reproach, or blameless, a lover of good, sensible, just...
Only one was prophesied. Both Isaiah and Micah spoke of The Mountain of the Lord’s House being established in the last days in Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:1-3 & Micah 4:1-2). That’s one mountain, and one house unto which all nations would come. Daniel also spoke of God establishing His kingdom. Both Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter two and Daniel himself as recorded in chapter seven had dr...
We believe in freedom. We believe in it so much that as a nation we have sent our brothers and sons… and now sisters and daughters, to fight and die not only to preserve our freedoms, but to secure them for those of other nations. Freedom was and remains the purpose behind our Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to………. Secure the Blessings of Libe...
I contemplated a long time on my New Year’s resolution for this year. Guess what it is? This New Year I resolved not to make a New Year’s resolution! I’m tired of breaking them… and then I realized by not making one, I made one and therefore, I already broke it. Kinda like sin, huh? Paul wrote something about it in Rom 7:15-16… “I do not understand my own acti...
Another “Christian” group is claiming to know the day of Jesus’ return, citing May 21st, 2011 as the day of judgment. How can they know? Jesus Himself said of that day: But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Matthew 24:36 & Mark 13:32 When He said this, He also drove home His point by further saying “Be o...
Here's what a faithful brother's life would look like as seen through the eyes of the bulletin:1924 - "Thomas Peter Johnson born June 20th weighing 7lbs. 6oz. Billy & Ruth are doing fine.1938 - "Pete Johnson was baptized Sunday. The water at the creek was cold but all hearts rejoiced as this young man gave his life to Christ".1948 - "…a pot-luck dinner welcoming Pete Johnson home from military ser...
There are so many good reasons for attending Bible Class on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights – spiritual growth, Bible knowledge, as well as the mutual encouragement we receive from the fellowship at these times. David, the psalmist, touches on some of these in his longest psalm (119), which is dedicated to the wonderful advantages of studying God's Word.I'm sure he didn't mean it this way, bu...
Sometimes teenagers give me great hope for the future. Felicia Thompson, a Christian teen called me the other day in order to test a decision she had made.It seems that the school had asked her to lead the prayer at graduation ceremonies and this had caused her some concern. On one hand, she appreciated the honor the teachers had bestowed upon her with this request. On the other, her training in B...
Well, the bulldozers have finally arrived. You've probably noticed the earth moving equipment beginning their work thereby signaling the official start of our renovation effort.We've sung "To God Build The Glory" as our theme song for the project and it's easy to think that new classrooms and new carpeting will actually glorify the Lord. Let's remember however that God is not glorified by things, ...
I've been dreaming about the conveniences and advantages of our building when it will be completed. Won't it be nice when…? There will be room for over 500 at worship?We will have classrooms that will easily sit 50-60 adults?Folks who need assistance will be dropped off under a portico and will go directly to the auditorium without climbing any steps?An ice machine?TV Monitors positioned so that t...