
Our Bible classes are one very important way we can all pursue spiritual growth as our Lord intended for us. Our spiritual growth should include: A. Growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (II Pet.3:18). B. To our faith we are, with diligence, to add moral excellence, knowledge, self control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love in order that we may ...
I see a subtly detrimental habit being practiced by some very good people. I speak of those who are chronically late for worship or Bible class. There, I said it. Hunt me down and give me a piece of your mind if you must, but I am compelled to admonish the guilty and hopefully, effect a life changing renewal of punctuality. Why? Well, really, if you ask someone who tends to show up late for schedu...
What guides your decision making? Do you allow yourself to fall victim to your own selfishness, or are you guided by good reasoning based on what you know to be right? Let’s put it in a context. Bible Class. Uh, oh. I know, I’m meddling again. But really, do reason and right rule in your God-given right to decide for yourself? Are you the ant (Proverbs 6:6-11) or are you the sluggard? ...
Under the title, “Bible 101,” The Oklahoman (May 7, 2008, 6E) gave some facts concerning a survey related to the U.S. and eight European countries. Portions of the data gleaned from the survey were encouraging. “More than 90 percent of American households have at least read one copy of the Bible.” Also, three out of four Americans had read at least one Scripture over the pr...
Emotions often run high when people speak of the present day nation of Israel. Some still consider them to be God’s chosen people. Others speak as though God has totally ‘written them off’ so to speak, and that we should as well. I believe the truth is somewhere in between. As far as I can tell, there is no definitive word from Jesus or His apostles that teaches us exactly how we...
By Roger Saumur Ville-Émard Church of ChristYou may not have noticed it, but there’s a new religion that’s emerging. In this religion the majority of traditional sins are minimized and even tolerated in favor of a new group which has come to the forefront. Many followers of this religion openly practice fornication, abortion and dishonesty without guilt. However, certain other sins are intolerable...
Most of us probably think of thugs as dim-witted, brutal hoodlums who do harm to any who are unfortunate enough to be found in their path. Well, ok, maybe this is because that’s what a thug is… today. But did you know that ‘thugs’ were originally members of a religious sect in India that apparently came into being sometime in the 1300’s? They were worshipers of Kali,...
Your shepherds in this church have a tremendous responsibility in trying to provide you a continuous opportunity to learn the scriptures (Matt. 28:19,20). That learning opportunity includes equipping each one through Bible study so that we can all be built up together in the work of service to the Lord and each other (Eph. 4:11,12). At least three methods of learning are very important to every fa...
Does the word make you think of the last day, the final day, when the Lord returns and we stand before Him to give an account? We should make ourselves aware that even though there will be a final judgment, God has already come in judgment many times throughout history and that He has made this fact very clear. Have you read of His coming in judgment on Egypt from long ago? Behold, the Lord is rid...
Peter spoke of those in his day who distorted God’s word and brought on their own destruction by manipulating (wresting/twisting) it to make it appear to teach things it didn’t, 2nd Peter 3:14-18. He referred to such people as untaught, unstable, and unprincipled. I believe that a good ‘modern day’ example of what Peter was talking about is what some are now doing with a pa...
Paul concluded his great chapter on the Resurrection with the climactic charge: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord” (I Corinthians 15:58-emphasis mine-dk). If every member of the church, because he or she believes in the ultimate victory of the resurrection, would heed Pau...
A reprint from 2003 God came to visit His people on earth. He told them. “I have only one teaching for you to observe. In every locality, I want you to put up a simple wooden fence post for me. I want you to paint the post blue.” He then admonished them saying, “I am leaving, but some day I will return to take all of you who keep my teaching about the blue posts to be with me for...
Being privileged to go visiting a few Sundays ago, I attended church in Springfield with our brothers and sisters there. I sat behind a young mother with 3 very active sons. They appeared to be in an age range from 3 to 6 years. She struggled valiantly to keep them quiet and occupied during the service. You could tell she was doing her best to keep her ‘brood’ from disturbing or distra...
Oklahoma state representative Sally Kern recently made the headlines when she said that the ‘homosexual agenda’ in the United States is a greater threat to our nation than international terrorism. Anyone with a healthy grasp of Biblical history ought to be able to see that her statement is right on target. What is the homosexual agenda all about? Grossly perverse sexual practices for o...
In the congregational survey, one of the areas frequently mentioned was an improvement in our parking. Much of the concrete at the west of the building has cracked over time and has become a bit of a tripping hazard because of uneven surfaces. I am aware of two incidents in which two of our members have caught the toe of their shoe and have fallen down on the concrete. This needs correction. Other...
The apostle Paul wrote to the Colossian church saying: Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 3:16 One of the central themes of all holy writ, is the resurrection of Jesus. This word, coming to light in the hearts of songwriters through the centu...
In 2nd Chronicles chapter 34 we read of a great restoration of following the ways of God. This restoration and spiritual revival was fearlessly implemented by young king Josiah over 2600 years ago when he was only twenty years old. What did Josiah do to restore Israel, and how can we follow his lead today? Josiah removed the things that were leading Israel away from God, vs. 1-7 •  ...
It surely seems hard for some to get to the Promised Land! At least 603,550 Israelites died in the wilderness (Ex. 38:26; Numb. 1:46; Deut. 1:29-38). However, more of us might relate to the ones who had just conquered Jericho and headed out for Ai! When God gave Israel mighty Jericho, without the loss of a man, they quite confidently laid out plans to take the small city of Ai (Joshua 7:1-3). They...
Moses was on his way to the promised land with God Almighty as his constant companion, guide and provider! But the people he was trying to help get there, grumbled, complained and rebelled. None of them ever seemed grateful for anything he did. Because of them, he would not see the promised land for another forty years. His sister, Miriam, dies and seemingly before her body had time to grow cold, ...
We are all familiar with cold weather and the demands it puts upon us in so many ways. But, if you had lived in the mid-eighteenth century, the only way to heat your home was with a fireplace. They were not very efficient. Most of the heat escaped up the chimney or through the walls, because in most homes the only place for a fireplace was an outside wall. But a great American recognized this prob...