
In Mark 7:1-23, some Pharisees and scribes have come to be with Jesus. During their time with him, they notice that some of the disciples are eating with unwashed hands. Holding to the traditions of men, the Pharisees judge the disciples and their actions, and it seems they believe the disciples, who are eating without first washing their hands, are sinning against God. Sinning because they are no...
Have you ever said to yourself, “I really need to read my bible more?”. When this conviction happens, you may grab your bible and get your mind ready for this great time you’re going to have getting to know God better. Perhaps you find a nice cup of coffee or tea and grab your favorite blanket and chair in the peace and quiet of your favorite room.As you get more excited and ready for this time, m...
I believe Genesis 26:26-31 is the first Biblical record of solidifying a covenant with a shared meal. Isaac and king Abimelech had been at odds with each other, but the king saw that God was with Isaac and so sought to make peace. Abimelech prepared a feast for the occasion and then the two exchanged vows of peace. A few chapters later (Genesis 31:43-54) we see Laban suing for peace with Jacob his...
Recent studies published in The Journal of Marriage and Family concluded that the feeling of dissatisfaction was a significant cause of stress, and depression in today's society. In other words, people rise to high levels of achievement, have lovely homes and healthy families but cannot seem to find contentment even when they possess all these things. This situation reminds me of the Apostle Paul ...
Keep your feet on the ground For God said pride goes before a fall When your head gets too big You forget what you should recall You strive and work for it all Be careful; you should listen for God's call Open your hearts & do your best God has promised to give us rest God's calls now through His word Not in the past as others have heard Jesus is the Savior who calls us to be God's friend Being wa...
Jesus & his disciples were in a boat on the sea of Galilee. While Jesus was taking a nap (setting for us one of my favorite examples of Godly behavior) a violent storm arose and scared the disciples into thinking they were about to die (Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25). In their fear, they woke Jesus up asking him to save them. With a word of rebuke he calmed the storm and then aske...
One of the things I keep thinking and praying about during our associate minister search is whether or not the person we pick will be self-starting & devoted to service in stirring & strengthening the Body. I believe it is important to have a good preacher, but I also believe it is equally important for this next hire to be a man invested in the people at Choctaw. Meaning, we need a man who notice...
We sing a song, I Know Who Holds Tomorrow, written by Ira Stanphill. As I focus on trying to write something that is encouraging and uplifting, these lyrics continually play in my thoughts. So, I would like to share the words of this hymn with you today and I pray they give you encouragement and, if you need it, the peace to keep moving forward. 1 - I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from da...
How many can you answer correctly before you look them up? Some questions may have multiple answers. You will find the correct answer in the Book Chapter and Verse provided for each question. Question 1 - Acts 8:5-13 Where did Phillip begin a successful ministry, doing many miracles, and converting a former sorcerer named Simon? SamariaJerichoCapernaumPhilippiMexico Question 2. - Acts 3:1; Acts 4:...
Happiness is a state mind we can either choose or reject. Blessedness however, is a state of being conferred by God and is not dependent on how we feel. To see the difference between being blessed and being happy, just consider the behavior of the Israelites in ancient times. They cried out to God (Exodus 2:23-3:9) and hearing their cries he freed them from slavery. What a blessing, right? Well……....
One of the most obvious places where our devotion to Jesus should be apparent is our place of worship & Bible study. Well over two hundred of us meet here and we have several meetings each week. Things can get messy, but you & I can easily do something about that. “Somebody” needs to put my songbook back in the rack. There are upwards of 170 of them in our auditorium along with around 60 Bibles an...
God expects men to lead: Bible writers consistently refer to God as maleGod sent his Son through whom he created the worldGod fashioned the man first and the woman to help himThough Eve ate first, sin is traced through Adam – Romans 5:12-14All angels appear as maleGod addressed the Patriarchs rather than the MatriarchsAbraham was promised a son The 12 tribes “of Israel” were named of their fathers...
King Hezekiah was considered in the sight of God. In 2 Kings 20:1-11 we read that the king of Judah had fallen ill and was at the point of death. Isaiah came to the king and told him to get his house in order because he would not recover. Upon hearing this news, Hezekiah turned to the wall, wept bitterly, and prayed this prayer to God: “Now, O LORD, please remember how I have walked before you in ...
Six wonderful young people with diplomas, now ready to move on with life! Remember the three Little Pigs? Sure, you’ve heard the story. Three pigs leave home to go out into the world on their own. Each one builds a house; one of straw, one of sticks, one of bricks. When the wolf shows up the only house that is safe is the one made of bricks. Straw & sticks are cheap & quick. We like cheap & quick....
Well, he wasn’t my dad at the time, but a young serviceman who flew a B-17 over Europe, was shot down and spent the last months of the war in a POW camp. Many others did not fare so well. Following are a few of dad’s notes from his log regarding some of his friends and fellow airmen: “November 29th, 1944 - primary target Ensbruk – accurate flack - ship (aircraft) 6652 direct hit in bomb bay. None ...
When we think of the word ‘obedience,’ we often think of having dominion over something. Like telling a dog to sit or lay down, or leading a horse by nudges and clicks, or even telling our children to do something. The idea we most often think of is, “Do what I say, when I say to do it.” Although this is an accurate representation of a type of obedience, this idea does not cover the full intention...
For the first time in 24 years, The Christian Chronicle has started to re-design it’s newspaper “look”. Some of the changes include taller & thinner pages and new style headline & text fonts. Like anything that introduces change, there are people who do not like the new changes. One such person’s opinion concerning the masthead was featured in the letters to the editor. The gentleman says that he ...
If you met Jesus’ bride, what would you do for her? He bought her with his life and put his Spirit within her. To do her good is to do Him good. Those that love Jesus love His bride. Because of Jesus I count myself privileged to be in her presence, to serve her and protect her from those who would do her harm. Unity is her preservation. Jesus prayed for her unity as He was going to the cross in he...
#10 – Don't need special clothing or haircut to be a member. #9 – No killing of others necessary. #8 – Men and women equal. #7 – No special perks for clergy. #6 – Founder is always alive. #5 – Teaching is always relevant. #4 – Lifestyle is always adaptable. #3 – Converts receive new life, not just new religion. #2 – Salvation is by faith, not human effort. #1 – NO MORE DEATH! “...the mystery which...
Luke records these two Godly people meeting Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus in the temple at 2:21-38. Simeon, informed by God’s Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s anointed, took the baby boy in his arms and said, “Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the pr...