Trends And The TruthIn a literal whirlwind of tornadic proportions, let’s pause to gain some perception of facts. David L. McKenna was on target when he wrote: “Having bent over backwards to separate church and state in lower schools and maintain academic freedom in higher education, modern man has filled the value vacuum with secular religion. Its creed is: man is God; reason is truth; values are...
You won’t see that headline in any news broadcast or newspaper, but Oklahoma has the attention of our nation. Tragedies normally bring out the best and/or the worst in people. The recent storms again have shown one of God’s teachings and Oklahoman’s have dazzled the nation with it – “foot washing”!Commentators, reporters, and networks continue to be amazed with the “caring”, “concern” ...
The story is told of three junior devils coming before Satan as they prepared to visit earth in order to destroy men’s souls. The first one said that he’d try to trick men by telling that there is “no heaven”. Satan replied that people have a natural hope and that this lie would not work very well.The next one stepped up and said that he would try to convince people that there is “no hell”. The de...
The tornado missed my house by several miles. Storm chasers described its wicked course while reporters chronicled the destruction and death in real-time images that mesmerized viewers huddled around their T.V.’s, unable to look away. A familiar spring ritual in Oklahoma.Politicians made speeches and promises while first responders scrambled to organize a rescue of those trapped in the debri...
Jesus is recorded as saying in Matthew’s gospel 10:32, “Everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven”. In this context he was speaking of those who would be brought before the authorities for their faith in Jesus as the Son of God and charged with doing evil.The Greek word which is twice translated “confess” is a compound word made up of...
To the objective reader, there are four blatantly obvious references to the God of the Bible in the Declaration of Independence of the United States. They are as follows, with emphasis being mine:1st paragraph“…the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and ofNature’s God entitle them…2nd paragraph “…that they are endowed by their Creator with cer...
Much is changing in our culture. Morals once accepted as foundational to good character have been adjusted to fit a more “modern” view. This world puts pressure on any who profess Godliness to accept all kinds of immoral behaviors as approved. We are faced with nearly daily reports of those “coming out” in the news as they boldly and unashamedly boast of their same-sex lovers. We...
Marcus Smart, age 19, is an influential, popular, and highly publicized personality in this part of Oklahoma. As a freshman basketball player at Oklahoma State University, Smart received a whole list of awards for his athletic skills (Big 12 Player of the Year, etc.). He has garnered enough national attention that he was a cinch to go in the first round of the NBA draft—some even projecting him as...
I love everybody, but have decided that I will no longer perform wedding ceremonies for couples who insist on living together until the ceremony. Sinful behavior should be abandoned rather than condoned. Fornication is sin. We just don’t use the word much anymore. As the Lord’s people, we have a huge task facing us in attempting to counter culture’s heavy and pervasive sensual influence by teachin...
Based on what you know about God, what assemblies of his church do you believe he wants you to attend? (This is not a trick question)Which assemblies of God’s church do you believe he considers optional? In other words, which ones does he have no desire one way or another for you to attend?Imagine you are attempting to convert a lost loved one. First, practice putting into your...
In Exodus 21:2 we read the instructions that God gave the Israelites concerning the treatment of slaves. Although the Jews were involved in the universal practice of slavery at the time, the treatment of their slaves was governed by God’s restrictions and laws— a code that usually encouraged fair treatment and eventual liberation.The point to note here is that every area of the...
Are you ready to see Jesus? John’s words, as given in the title above, are proof you are going to see Jesus, and so will I. John even added that the ones who drove the nails and threw the spear into His side will see Him! Since He has all authority in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18), it is fitting that before Him every knee will bow and every tongue will confess“that Jesus Christ ...
Almost 3,000 years ago, Solomon wrote:“Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil” Ecclesiastes 5:1I believe a modern paraphrase might be, “Check yourself as you go to church to make sure that you actually worship God rather than casually sin in His presence”.As I attend...
The man given the position as head of the Catholic church is called Pope, meaning “father” and indeed almost all priests of the Catholic church are called “father”. Jesus, however, said to call no man father on the earth for only God in heaven is our Father (see Matthew 23:9).The pope is also called “Holy father”, a term used only once in scripture as Jesus addressed His Father, Alm...
Christians never quit God in a single day. Oh, some give up the faith suddenly at times because of a great tragedy in their lives but these are the exceptions. No, the way that most Christians lose their faith is through "drifting".Drifting is a slow removal of ourselves from the influence of God and His people. It is slow because drifting away from God does not usually set off...
I used to tell my children this, and now I am doing it again with my grandchildren. "You may have a ‘reason’…but it doesn’t give you a ‘right’." It is usually spoken when someone was "wronged". Then they felt the urge to come back with an appropriate action of, at the very least, equal pain. Whether it was a verbal onslaught or a physical attack, there was always a reason ...
On September 25, 1982, at a candle-light ceremony for prayer in public schools, President Ronald Reagan stated: “Now, no one is suggesting that others should be forced into any religious activity, but to prevent those who believe in God from expressing their faith is an outrage. And the relentless drive to eliminate God from our schools can and should be stopped.”¹ That statement is...
Of course He does! The entire Bible is God’s message to us all that He loves us. But in case you’re wondering what God teaches about the practice of homosexuality and lesbianism, read on.1. The practice of homosexuality and lesbianism is against God’s design from the creation. God observed for us that it was not good for man to be alone, and so made a woman from the flesh of the man, to be man’...
God brought this universe into existence, sustains it all through the word of his power, and will eventually fold it and everything in it up like a garment, Hebrews 1:2-12.What dependence do God’s people have on this physical world? None. We simply use it as a wonderful “habitat” if you will, until the Lord’s return.The churches of Macedonia seemed to understand this all...
Be balanced in your appraisal of the opposite sex: Don’t totally discount physical attraction, but understand that any relationship based on looks alone will make both of you miserable and resentful. Proverbs 11:22 says that a beautiful woman without discretion is like a ring of gold… in a pig’s snout. Look deeper than that.Make deliberate decisions. Don’t g...