
Senior “moments” usually refer to bouts of forgetfulness that seem to overtake all of us as we grow older. However, these moments can also refer to insights and lessons that come if you have been around for a while. I will be 65 in a few weeks and have had my own moments when the brain synapses were not all firing but along with these were a few moments of clarity about life that only age can reve...
Brother Norman Gipson came into a noon-gathering of fellow teachers at the Sunset School of Preaching, looking tired and weary. His explanation related to a home Bible study the previous evening, resulting in a disturbed and long night of song writing. The song related to what had transpired that night. Carefully note the words of that song:  “I talked to a man about Jesu...
The word god is not God’s name.  That is not to say that using the term flippantly is a virtuous practice.  All references, even allusions to the creator of the universe should be of utmost respect.  But “God” is not God’s name.  So what is His name?   When Moses asked this question, God told him that he was to refer to Him as I Am Wh...
Isaiah spoke of Jesus in a passage that looked to the coming salvation of God (Isaiah 52 & 53). He said that, “...his visage was so marred more then any man…”. He was like a root out of a dry ground and when he would be seen there would be no beauty that would make him desirable. He said that he would be despised and rejected and acquainted with grief and...
I wonder how many times I said that, or something similar, while my children were growing up.  It was the ultimatum that said that there would be no negotiation; this was the way it was to be.  As long as my children remained under my roof they were to abide by my authority.  After all, aren’t parents responsible to prepare and teach them for “life&rd...
As a preacher I’ve long ago discovered that home is where you’re preaching at the moment. My wife and I often talk about the disconnect we feel because of a ministry that leads us to move an average of every seven years or so.In my prayers I’ve asked God to help me feel “at home” wherever I happen to be working and He’s accommodated me in a peculiar way. I always feel the same familiar comfort whe...
I am always amazed at how Biblical concepts are mangled when expressed in popular books by well-meaning authors. Such is the case with the newest edition stirring up debate entitled, “The Surrendered Wife.”The premise is simple: Modern wives need to acquiesce to their husbands in order to build their self-esteem, create marital harmony, and restore respect to the role of the husband in the family....
The above word is the name that was given to the place where Deborah, Rebekah’s nurse, died and was buried.  It means “oak of weeping”.  Genesis 35:8 is nearly the only passage telling us anything at all about her life.  There is one other reference in 24:59 simply reporting that when Rebekah left home to become the wife of Isaac that “her nurse&rdq...
Quarterback Tim Tebow’s public display of faith has ignited a debate over the role that religion plays in sports. Does God care about who wins or loses? Can prayer alter the results of a sporting event? Will the most spiritually minded team win Super Bowl XLVI? In all fairness to Mr. Tebow, he has said that he prays not for victory but for direction in life and the ability to make g...
Time is a sobering commodity granted to all— rich, poor, young, old, male, female— and the use of it has timeless, eternal implications! Unless each day is organized and properly managed, it can waste away without accomplishment and pass by without attachment to any purpose.   God’s Word challenges us to “redeem the time,” especially when the days are e...
Christmas is over.  Homes and businesses previously decorated with bright and cheery holiday lighting are all taking those lights down again.  What about you and me?  Jesus was speaking to people just like us when he said to them, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14-16).  He defined their “light” as good works that they could do...
The Christmas season of 2011 was different. There was an old practice revived due to the economic situation in the U.S.  Those “seasoned” Santa’s will recall the ways which businesses conducted “lay-a-way” plans. This was credit before there were credit cards. You paid some money down, and some each week, until you could get your merchandise out of...
Christmas is a busy time and the last thing we need is one more “job” to do.But that’s exactly what we’re asking of you with our “Brown Bag Christmas” appeal - to take the time to do one more thing (two if you count decorating the bag). But this extra chore will have important results if you bring your decorated bag full of groceries to church next Sunday, December 22nd (hey, that’s three things!)...
Solomon said it was.  In Ecclesiastes 3:4 he said that there is an appointed season to weep and a season to mourn.    Later in chapter seven he wrote that it was better to go to a house of mourning than to a house of feasting.  His reasoning was that it would put us in mind of our own mortality and we would take it to heart.  Solomon then said that sorrow is bett...
As you know, we are presently looking for a man to serve the Canyon View congregation as Youth and Family Minister. Although many will, in the weeks to come, call about the position, few will actually be interviewed and only one will be chosen.The reason for the slowness of the process is that not many applicants can demonstrate the qualifications that we desire for this position. In order to help...
This is my 50th Christmas without my father. I thought of him recently while I browned some meatballs for  a spaghetti sauce we were cooking up for guests over the holidays. This was his recipe. One handed down from his father and passed on to me by my mother years after he passed away.  The pungent smell of the garlic and Romano cheese filled the kitchen and flashed back ...
The general pattern of brethren assembling relates to 4 hours of the 168 hours of a week. Considering traveling time, the gathering times would likely require another 5 hours. This article, therefore, relates to some 9 hours of the 168 hours each member needs to consider per week. Note the ways brethren relate to these moments of assembling. Brethren respond in some 4 different groups: 1. Some do ...
 I believe Martha's gotten a bad rap as far as Bible characters go. The most quoted reference about Martha is where Jesus gently admonishes her concerning this good woman's frustration at not receiving help from her sister, Mary, in serving their guests. This story recorded in Luke 10:40-41 has become, for many, the defining image of this woman, a worrier, a person consumed with tasks, and a ...
All my life I have heard people use excuses not to go to church services.   "Those people 'pretend' to be religious, but they're just hypocrites!"   "It's just full of gossips and people who are worse sinners than I am!”   "I messed up so bad even God wouldn't want me."   There are many more excuses, which are supposed to be valid reason...
God did not design us for violence. Sin, however, changed everything and it became the responsibility of righteous people to take violent situations in hand.  As soon as Noah stepped off of the ark God instructed him that any man or beast who took the life of another man was to be put to death, Genesis 9:5-6. God had noted for us in Genesis 6:5 & 11 & 13 that mankind ha...