Well, of course we know what must be done to get a baby, right? This alone shows us that it is not by means of our genius that these little blessings come into being. The physical body of a baby is a miraculous sort of thing. You have a nearly microscopic egg that is fertilized by a single microscopic sperm and voila, you have all the makings of a tiny person, and in nine months or so, there he is...
Have you ever watched a dog chase his tail? He works at it so hard but most times he is unsuccessful in capturing that elusive target. No matter how many times he tries or how hard he tries, it seems just out of his reach. Oh, occasionally he grasps it, but when he does, he can't continue that way. He has no hope in his victory, but it doesn't stop him from trying. As for my Christian walk, I ofte...
Today is Valentine’s Day! A day set aside in our society for showing love to our significant other. Now, I have no vendetta against the holiday, but have you’ve noticed that “love” is marketed to us in the forms of jewelry, flowers, candies, and stuffed animals. That is what I have seen my entire life, so I think it’s safe to say that society sees “love” as tangible. Something that you give in the...
As Israel was freed from Egyptian slavery, so all who have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ have been freed from sin! But the Israelites were not happy campers. Regardless of God’s profound care for them, they seemed determined to find reasons to complain. Pharaoh’s gonna get us! Thirst is gonna get us! Hunger’s gonna get us! The giants are gonna get us! Something’s gonna get us! We’re all going ...
Solomon was the wise king of Israel who brought his nation to its zenith of power and prosperity. He did so, however, by overtaxing his people. When Solomon died, his son Rehoboam took the throne. The new king was immediately approached by one of his father’s former servants as well as representatives of the entire nation. They promised faithful service to Rehoboam if he would only lighten the hea...
By now, you probably know that COVID-19 can give you headaches, upset stomach, difficulty breathing, body aches, fever, impact your ability to taste and smell and a variety of other such symptoms (including death) that seem to vary from one victim to another. As if the above were not bad enough, I have seen that this malady can now boast what I believe to be even more tragic secondary side-effects...
Nothing in the New Testament leads us to observe the Sabbath. What we see beginning in the gospels and continuing in the rest of the New Testament is a break from the Sabbath with a new emphasis on the first day of the week. Each gospel writer carefully points out that Jesus’ resurrection was on the first of the week, Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1-2, Luke 24:1 & John 20:1. Why did the Holy Spirit inspir...
Judah’s citizens had practiced 57 years of apostasy and idolatry when Josiah became king… and he was just eight years old! But he would set his heart to follow God. When Josiah was 20, he began a purge of the idolatrous images and high places. Then at age 26, he sent workmen to repair the neglected temple in Jerusalem. Somehow during this project, a priest came across a copy of the Law of Moses. W...
“And Jesus said unto them, ‘Go forth and nit-pick’”, from the book of 1st Darkened Imaginations 13:13. Right. Nit pickers are everywhere, taking great pride in pointing out all that is wrong with the world. They can see a flaw from a mile away… in the dark. Finding fault is the lowest of human skills. The last thing I need is some self-assigned critic pointing out the woes of our existence at ever...
Perhaps you know him by the German name “Wenceslas”? He reigned as monarch in Bohemia from 922-929 and was so known for his benevolent nature that he became the patron saint of the Czech people. Mr. J.M. Neale (1818-1866) wrote a song that purports to recount one of Vaclav’s many acts of kindness. The song has long inspired me as to the beauty of those given power being influenced by the love of G...
Two millenniums ago in a shepherd’s field, A Heavenly Host sang—as God willed— “Peace on earth,” the Almighty decreed: A Savior was born to meet our need! That Heavenly Host was “praising God,” For His response where human’s trod; From the beginning blood had flowed, As Cain—like conduct growed and growed! Jesus, that Savior, solemnly warned You and me, That “wars and rumors of wars” would continu...
Have you ever had to make decisions that would be considered acceptable to a few hundred people (keep reading)? This year’s circumstances have prompted your shepherds to meet on several occasions and hash out decisions we never thought we would have to make. It is one thing to cancel worship assemblies & Bible classes for ice, snow, tornaders and the like when the safety of the flock was an obviou...
About a week ago as I write this, terrorists violently beheaded three Christian men in the Indonesian village of Lemban Tongoa and burned another man and his son alive in their house. In Nigeria, West Africa, a minister & two Christian women were recently kidnapped by terrorists. Their condition and whereabouts are presently unknown. A mob of around 2,000 Hindus attacked and beat 80 people in the ...
Are you one of those “silly” maskers, or a crazed “conspiracy theorist” non-masker? Do you believe in science? Well, duh, everybody believes in science, right? But which of the multiple, mutually opposed scientific statements do you espouse about Covid? Herd immunity science? Chinese genocide science? Leftist agenda science? Vaccine research science? Medical community science? Wait, which medical ...
Evil has shown itself and is waging a war against Christianity and the Gospel of Christ. This morning I saw a video of a man getting knocked out. It seems he was trying to protect others. Afterward, he had his head stomped on multiple times and then his phone was stolen from him as he lay there helpless. During the same incident, a person was stabbed and another 13 people were arrested. Yesterday,...
This last week, Central Oklahoma experienced a natural disaster. Do you ever wonder why natural disasters occur on earth? I mean, other than reasons science tells us about like soil erosion, seismic activity, tectonic movements, air pressure, and ocean currents; why do they happen? It may seem that, during these times, it’s easy to ask, “Where was God?” We can be assured that God does use natural ...
Literally hours before this photo was taken, this entire rose bush and each individual bloom was laying flat on the ground, not only covered, but encased in ice from a recent storm. Have you ever looked closely at a rose? Have you noted the wonderful delicacy of each silky petal? What a marvel to me that such a fragile living thing could be held in ice, but afterwards be so perfectly and completel...
Let's talk "tracers." Tracers are projectiles (bullets & cannon caliber ammunition) with a small pyrotechnic charge in their base. It ignites and burns very brightly when fired and makes the projectiles trajectory visible to the naked eye. They are usually loaded as the fifth round in a rapid shooting firearm like a machine gun. The path they leave can then help to point out where that ammunition ...
It’s the Lord’s money, of course, as you already know! I thought this would be a good time to discuss the importance of being good stewards of our possessions. We recently had large expenses that were not budgeted for this year, but we were able to cover these without going into debt. This is thanks to our elders and our excellent money manager, Sarah Kriwanek! My job is to keep their success runn...
If you know me, you know I don’t believe in dress codes for the church…… buuuut the subject of what we wear in public is not quite so simple as to be dismissed in the name of being against a dress code. Judging from passages that mention it (1st Timothy 2:9 & 1st Peter 3:3 for example), modesty in the first century and before seemed to be a matter of avoiding ostentation, that is the wearing or di...